
Minecraft Setup Wizard Ended Prematurely

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a. Are you logged in every bit the administrator of the reckoner?

b. Do y'all get any fault code alonwith with these mistake messages?

c. Did you make any software changes recently?

These are some of the steps which volition assist the windows installer to work without whatever error.

Check if the Windows installer service is started
one. Click start->type in services.msc and press enter-> cheque for windows installer->start the service if it'due south stopped

two) If Windows Installer does not work correctly, open Trouble Reports and Solutions to encounter if a solution is bachelor.
Open up Problem Reports and Solutions by clicking the Commencement push button, clicking Command Panel, clicking  System and Maintenance, and then clicking Problem Reports and Solution

3) Unregister Windows Installer, and then reregister Windows Installer. To do this, follow these steps:
i. On the "First" bill of fare, click "Run:.
ii. In the "Open" box, blazon "msiexec /unreg", so press ENTER.
three. On the "Starting time" menu, click "Run".
iv. In the "Open" box, type "msiexec /regserver", and so press ENTER.

Method 2.

Since in that location are some not-system applications running I would recommend you to install it in the Make clean Kicking state and bank check.
Enable a Clean First:
one. Click Get-go, type msconfig in the Start Search box, and and so printing ENTER.
User Account Control permission.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the
password, Or click Continue.
2. On the General tab, click Selective Startup.
3. Under Selective Startup, click to clear the Load Startup items check box.
4. Click the Services tab, click to select the Hide All Microsoft Services cheque box, and and so click Disable All.
v. Click OK.
half-dozen. When you are prompted, click Restart.
7. Subsequently the calculator starts, check whether the problem is resolved.

If the upshot is resolved cheque which third party is causing the problem, referring the link given below:

viii. Install the softwares now and check.

Reset the estimator to start as usual

9. After y'all have finished troubleshooting, follow these steps to reset the computer to outset as usual:
Click Start, type msconfig.exe in the First Search box, and so printing ENTER.
10. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, blazon your password, or click Continue. On the General tab, click the Normal Startup option, so click OK.
11. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart.

Method 3.

If the issue all the same exists provide u.s. the result viewer logs.

Blazon eventvwr.msc /s in the address bar.
List whatever events that are listed as "Error" in the main window when you go to "Windows Logs" and "Application." In that location are often a lot of them. Transport us whichever ones you see listed for the terminal couple days. (Please besides practise for the logs in "Organization"). When you exercise, provide us the name of the "Source" and whatever is listed in the description box beneath the list of logs when you click on one.

Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards:
Shekhar S - Microsoft Support.

Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and permit us know what you think.

If this post helps to resolve your result, please click the "Mark as Answer" or "Helpful" push at the top of this bulletin. Past marking a post as Answered, or Helpful yous aid others find the answer faster.

Cheers and Regards,
Shekhar Sharma

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I tried Method1, Method2, Method3 but all failed. The software is returning the same fatal fault. Tin can somebody download the flowcode software and exam information technology in windows7 habitation premium to notice out what is the problem especially in Hp Pavilion Laptop? Because the software works fine in Windows XP and Windows 7 Dwelling house Bones.

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What version of Windows 7 are y'all using? The different versions are Windows seven Starter, Abode Premium, Professional person and Ultimate. In that location is not a Windows 7 Home Basic version merely there is a Windows Vista Home Basic. Is that the version that is on your Dell Laptop?

Take you tried to install by correct click on the setup.exe or .msi and choose "Run every bit Administrator"?
What errors do you accept in the Event Viewer?

Please answer back with an update.


Microsoft Answers Back up Engineer
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Dear Marilyn,

           There is Windows 7 Home Bones, accept a expect at I accept tried running the program as administrator as well every bit past using compatibility suite. In result viewer error code is 1603(win7 dwelling premium). Sometimes fire-flim-flam as well as windows explorer crashes.



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I stand corrected equally there is a Windows vii Home Basic in other countries. Are you using Windows 7 Domicile Bones?

Have you tried to install these programs in Rubber Mode?

Start the programme in condom way

1. Restart your computer and kickoff pressing the F8 key (it may be a different part fundamental on your computer) on your keyboard. On a reckoner that is configured for booting to multiple operating systems, you can press the F8 key when y'all see the boot carte du jour.

2. When the Windows Advanced Options menu appears, select Safe Style, and and then printing Enter.

3. Log onto Windows by using the Administrator business relationship or any user business relationship with the Administrator privilege.

Note: In Safety Style, your system display and Desktop will expect and perform differently than in Normal Mode. This is only temporary. To render the system back to Normal Mode, we can simply restart the computer.

To decide whether the consequence that occurs with the program is caused by another programme that is running in the background, we recommend that yous restart the estimator in prophylactic style and then exam the plan. If the program runs correctly in condom mode, but does not run correctly in normal mode, there probable is another program that is alien with the program in question.

To decide which program is causing a disharmonize with the programme in question, we recommend that you perform a "make clean kick" of the computer. A clean boot is intended to disable every bit many groundwork services and programs as possible. This helps decide which service or plan may be causing the problem.

In safety fashion, be sure and run the installation in an elevated mode and select, Run every bit Administrator.

Please permit usa know the result.


Microsoft Answers Back up Engineer
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Dear  Marilyn,

          In that location is no safe mode for win7 dwelling house premium especially in HP Laptop except that it has 1 affect recovery console. I tried past disabling the programs in ms config merely installation failed. I tried past running the program as administrator besides.



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How-do-you-do KUNIBABINA,

You might endeavor the forums at to run across if they can assist with your installation event since they would be more than familiar with the software yous are installing.

I have included the link for a FlowCode forum. There are different one for FlowCode 2 & 3 and a split up one for FlowCode 4. I'thou not certain what version yous are using.

Hope this helps.

Thank you,

Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
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Dearest friend

I have this trouble too , I am confused

please aid me as shortly as you tin


Error 07/22/2012 06:23:46 ب.ظ WUSA iii None

Mistake 07/02/2012 02:22:14 ق.ظ WUSA 3 None

Error 07/02/2012 02:32:19 ق.ظ WUSA 3 None

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Error 03/28/2013 12:11:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 12:xi:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Fault 03/28/2013 12:11:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Mistake 03/28/2013 12:eleven:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 12:26:55 ق.ظ Application Error 1000 (100)

Fault 03/28/2013 12:26:58 ق.ظ Awarding Error grand (100)

Error 03/28/2013 12:30:50 ق.ظ Application Error 1000 (100)

Fault 03/28/2013 12:41:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 12:41:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 12:41:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 12:41:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Fault 03/28/2013 12:49:39 ق.ظ Awarding Error g (100)

Error 03/28/2013 01:11:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 01:11:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Mistake 03/28/2013 01:eleven:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 01:11:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 01:15:55 ق.ظ Application Mistake 1000 (100)

Fault 03/28/2013 01:18:23 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 01:18:23 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 01:18:23 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Mistake 03/28/2013 01:18:23 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 01:xviii:23 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 01:xviii:23 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

Error 03/28/2013 01:41:06 ق.ظ ESENT 412 Logging/Recovery

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The following worked for me:

http://world wide

The registration cardinal of vbscript under ( 32bit and 64 bit versions)




is wrongly repeated under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. This would explain why sometimes running the installation as an administrator sometimes works.

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