
For Honor Best Gear Stats

For Honor Gear Stat Guide

Need to know what all the stats do in For Laurels ? And so cheque out this guide!

For Honor has several pieces of gear that you can go, and they all take certain stats. Each piece has 3 stats, raises one of them, and lowers one-ii of the others. Some of the stats are straightforward, but others aren't so clear.

I'm going to explain each stat and what pieces of gear they are on to help you lot decide what gear to vesture. Check out my For Accolade Beginner Tips and Tricks for more help with the game.

For Laurels Gear Stats

The stats below are separated into gear categories. Each stat can only be on 1 blazon of gear. Every grapheme's weapon has three parts to it that tin be customized.

For Honor Gear stats

Weapon Part 1

  • Throw Distance - How far you throw someone.
  • Revenge Style Attack - How much of an assail boost yous become when you are in Revenge way
  • Revenge Gain by Injury - How much your Revenge bar fills upwards from taking impairment.

Weapon Part 2

  • Feat Cooldown Reduction - How long it takes to employ your feats again after activating them.
  • Revenge Way Defense - How much defense you lot get when you are in Revenge mode.
  • Revenge Proceeds past Defence - How much your Revenge bar fills up when you exercise defensive actions such as Block and Parry.

Weapon Function 3

  • Attack - How much damage your attacks deal.
  • Defence force - How much damage you take from attacks.
  • Stamina Toll Reduction - Reduces how much stamina your attacks take upward.


  • Block Damage Resistance - The amount of chip damage you take from Heavy Attacks.
  • Revive Speed - How fast yous tin can revive a teammate.
  • Stamina Regen - How fast you regain your stamina.


  • Execution Wellness Regen - How much wellness you become back when you execute someone.
  • Block Impairment - The corporeality of health or stamina harm yous deal to an enemy that blocks your attacks.
  • Dart Speed - How fast you move when yous sprint.


  • Debuff Resistance - Resistance confronting bleeds and other effects that can happen from attacks or feats.
  • Revenge Fashion Duration - How long you stay in Revenge after activating it.
  • Exhaustion Recovery - How fast yous regain stamina to go out of Exhaustion manner.

Another thing to continue in heed isthat  Cake Damage Resistance is different for each character. Orochi for case, can't keep cake upwards long before taking Block Impairment.

That'southward all I have for the For Laurels Gear Stat Guide. Let me know if you have whatever questions!

Guide Editor

Later gaming for 25 years, Synzer leveraged his vast knowledge of RPGs and MMOs into a chore every bit a games announcer, covering the games he loves. 5 years later, he'due south withal writing about Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, and Knights of the Former Commonwealth. Synzer has a bachelor's degree in English language and creative writing. You can run into him in action on his YouTube channel ( and Twitch (https://www.twitch.goggle box/synzergaming).

Published Jun. 21st 2018


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