
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Route 211

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Celestic Town and Route 211 Pokémon, trainers and items in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Our complete guide to Pokémon BDSP's trainers, items, and wild Pokémon.

Celestic Boondocks and the nearby Route 211 are your next destinations in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, following on from Route 210 North in your adventure.

Below we'll accept you through all the key details for the location, including any Pokémon encounters, trainers, and items that might be available, plus a walkthrough of your key objectives and anything else yous'll need to know.

On this folio:

  • Celestic Town Pokémon, trainers and items
  • Route 211 Pokémon, trainers and items

Celestic Town Pokémon, trainers and items

Celestic Town is a minor, sleepy settlement, not far from another entrance to Mt. Coronet. Information technology'due south a quaint boondocks, even featuring its own independent store run by an elderly couple, in the northward-west, instead of a Poké Mart.

The main affair to do hither is visit the ruins, in the middle of town - but there's a light-headed Grunt blocking the entrance, who's getting a scrap dramatic and talking most bombs. Take him down a few notches by wiping the floor with him in boxing.

Later you lot exercise, the sometime lady from the south of boondocks volition come upwardly to you and offer her thanks - it'southward Cynthia's Grandma! Turns out she's the town elder, which, if you recollect, is the person Cynthia told you to seek out once you'd cleared those Psyduck on Route 210.

The Cynthia'southward Grandma encourages you to get look within the ruins, after telling y'all a flake of lore about the Old Amuse. Once you've washed and so, back outside, the strange Team Galactic leader you've seen around the place appears and finally introduces himself as Cyrus.

That'southward more or less everything here. Collect a few items via the methods listed beneath, then it's up to you where to become next. Route 211, to the due west of town (covered in the next section, below), is a brusque optional route with a few worthwhile items on it and a link to another level of Mt. Coronet (which you still tin can't fully explore, so save that for now).

Or, you can go straight to your side by side main objective: battling Hearthome City Gym Leader Fantina! That's right, she'southward finally available to boxing.


Items Location
Analog Watch Pokétch App From Black Chugalug in southward west firm
Black Spectacles From homo in sungless inside market store, due north west, during afternoon
Wise Spectacles From man in sungless inside market store, north west, during night
Choice Specs From homo in sungless within market shop, north west, during morning
Bully Brawl From man in Pokémon Center if your first Pokémon has high friendship
3x TM95 Surf From Cynthia's Grandma when you bank check the cavern paintings at back of ruins

Trainers and Opponents

Trainers Pokémon Level
Squad Galactic Grunt Beautifly

Route 211 Pokémon, trainers and items

Route 211 is a short and relatively simple route, but at that place are a few more things you tin gather here on a return visit once you have Stone Climb as an usuable HM in your Pokétch.

Otherwise, work your fashion through the trainers here and collect what items yous can.

Bachelor Pokémon

Pokémon Availability
Graveler Leafy grass
Chingling Leafy grass
Meditite Leafy grass
Ponyta Leafy grass
Machoke Leafy grass
Zubat Leafy grass (nighttime)
Noctowl Leafy grass (nighttime)


Items Location
2x Pecha Berries Height side of road equally you enter from Celestic Boondocks
2x Aspear Berries Top side of road as you enter from Celestic Town
2x Iapapa Berries Top side of route as you enter from Celestic Town
2x Grepa Berries Top side of road as yous enter from Celestic Town
3x TM77 Psych Up From Ace Trainer along top rocky part of route

Trainers and Opponents

Trainers Pokémon Level
Black Belt Sean Croagunk
Ninja Boy Nick Skorupi
Ruin Maniac Harry Bronzor Lv.30
Bird Keeper Katherine Noctowl Lv.31

When you're all done here, your side by side destination is a battle Hearthome City with Gym Leader Fantina!

For more guides and links to the residual of our walkthrough pages meanwhile, return to our main Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl walkthrough hub.


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